Take the first step toward personal renewal – join us for services this Sunday@ 9AM
We are interdenominational and therefore share many comparable ideas.
Mission Statement
The mission of Lost Bridge Community Church is to bring people into a relationship with God through worship, fellowship, serving our community through Christ centered missions and equipping our members to grow and share their faith in accordance with God’s biblical plan.
~~This We Believe~~
The following is an abbreviated summary of our beliefs. For a more detailed version, with
scriptural references, click here.
We believe THE BIBLE, is given by inspiration of God.
We believe that the Godhead exists as the only God and eternally exists in
three persons, – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Humans and the Fall
We believe that all people fall short of God’s original plan and are in need of
a Savior.
We believe salvation is God’s gracious gift through faith, offered to all
The Church
We believe the local church is the only representation of Christ’s invisible
Church and consists only of all believers. Two ordinances have been
committed to the local church: The Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
- The Lord’s Supper was instituted by Jesus and all persons committed
to the Christian life are invited and encouraged to receive this
sacrament. - Baptism is an important part of the Christian walk and is an act of obedience to
Jesus Christ.
Now and the Future
We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ and that all believers will
receive a new body in which to spend eternity with God and that this
Blessed Hope will have a vital effect on the personal life and service of
the believer.
Since LOST BRIDGE COMMUNITY CHURCH is made up of members from various
denominational backgrounds, we have established the following policies:
- To make a clear presentation of the Gospel,
- To teach and follow doctrine grounded in Scripture, avoiding divisive doctrines and political
issues, and strive at all times to maintain a spirit of love and unity. - Membership in LOST BRIDGE COMMUNITY CHURCH shall be granted upon the testimony of
personal belief in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord before the minister and congregation. - Matters of business, policy, etc. shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present at
any duly-called official meeting. Fifty-one percent of membership shall constitute a quorum.