~~A Brief History of our Little Church~~
Our little church had its humble beginnings in 1971 as a prayer and bible study group, meeting in the home of one of our eleven founding members. Known as Lost Bridge Chapel, we quickly outgrew meeting in homes and moved to the Lost Bridge Lodge reception room (now Whitney Mountain Lodge). In 1975, church attendees elected the first Board and formally adopted guidelines and policies aligned with interdenominational practices. Rev. J.M. Johns served as our first pastor until called to another church in 1977.
In 1979, the Lost Bridge Property Owners Association purchased the sales office from the Lost Bridge developers and our church began meeting in the basement of the Community building. Church membership had grown to 31.
In 1990, Joe and Bobbie Phillippe and family began construction of Whitney Mountain Chapel in honor of their parents. Located on Whitney Mountain, the tallest point in Benton County AR and overlooking Beaver Lake, the Chapel was formally dedicated on May 15, 1993. Lost Bridge Chapel began renting the new building on Whitney Mountain from the Whitney Mountain Chapel Foundation for our weekly worship service. Our first worship service in the new chapel was Dec 13, 1992. Church membership had grown to approximately 50 people.
In June 1994, church members voted to change our name to Lost Bridge Community Church, mainly to reduce confusion with Whitney Mountain Chapel. By the end of the year, average church attendance had grown to 85. It was in 1994 that we awarded our first scholarship, a tradition that continues today.
Our worship at Whitney Mountain Chapel continued uninterrupted for 20 years with membership growing to roughly 100. In 2014, the Whitney Mountain Chapel foundation deeded ownership of the building and grounds to our church with an understanding the chapel would retain its original architecture and style. Shortly thereafter, we began to expand the gardens outside the building.
In 2020, we began our on-line video ministry to offset the impact of having to cease in-person worship for 12 months due to the Covid pandemic. Today, our weekly worship service is broadcast live via YouTube with views ranging from 60-100 per week. Our on-line ministry and participants represent an integral part of our church.
In 2021, we purchased the former Lake Country realty office, adjacent to the church property, to support a variety of church programs, including bible studies, weddings, pastoral counseling, and small group activities.
Today, you will find our church striving to live by our Mission - to bring people into a relationship with God through knowledge and faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and to equip our members to live a life in accordance with God’s plan contained in the Bible. Our members are active in weekly men’s & women’s bible studies, community organizations such as God’s Pantry, and supporting our Missions partners. We’d love to have you visit our growing church overlooking beautiful Beaver lake.
12772 Lodge Drive
Garfield, AR 72732